Sample data in TXT format
For testing purposes, we are providing sample pages from several historical sources available on HathiTrust. All these works have been determined by HathiTrust to be in the public domain. Users are free to copy, use, and redistribute them in part or in whole for educational, scholarly, or other non-commercial purposes. The sources have been digitised in collaboration with Google. Google performed mass OCR and did not post-process the output. Therefore, full texts for older print and non-English languages shared by HathiTrust often contain typical OCR errors, such as wrong characters, odd spacing, and faulty line breaks.
Sample 1 “Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung”
Original from: Cornell University Digitized by: Google
Extract generated on 2025-01-20 09:03 GMT.
Sample 2 “Ameriḳa be-sifrut Yiśraʼel”
Full title: Ameriḳa be-sifrut Yiśraʼel, yakhil mamarim ha-nimtsaʼim mefuzarim be-sifrut Yiśraʼel ha-medberim odot ha-arets ha-ḥadashah le-mi-yom ha-galutah ʻad shenat 5642 ṿe-ezeh yediʻot ʻad ḳodem ha-galutah ʻal yede Ḳolumbuṣ
Author: Silber, Mendel, 1882- Publisher: St. Louis, Moineśṭer Printing Ko. 1928
Extract generated on 2025-01-20 09:12 GMT
Sample 3 “Aegyptiaca”
Full title: Aegyptiaca / studio et sumptibus edita Pauli de Lagarde
Publisher: Gottingae: A. Hoyer, 1883.
Original from: Harvard University Digitized by: Google
Extract generated on 2025-01-20 09:09 GMT
Sample 4 “Imperial Domains and the Colonate”
Full title: The imperial domains and the colonate: an inaugural lecture / delivered by Henry Pelham Author: Pelham, Henry F. (Henry Francis) , 1846-1907. Publisher: London: H. Frowde, 1890.
Extract generated on 2025-01-20 09:00 GMT
Sample 5 “Risālah yukhāṭibu fīhā al-nafs”
Author: Harmus al-Ḥakīm. Publisher: [Leipzig]: [s.n.], 1870.
Original from: Harvard University
Extract generated on 2025-01-20 09:06 GMT
Sample 6 “Principios generales del arte de la colonizacion”
Full title: Principios generales del arte de la colonizacion, por d. Joaquín Maldonado Macanaz Author: Maldonado Macanaz, Joaquín, 1833-1901. Publisher: Madrid, Impr. de M. Tello, 1875.
Original from: Harvard University
Extracts generated on 2025-01-20 09:01 GMT