Topic modelling
The purpose of topic modelling
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Why topic identification is challenging for machines
The following three sentences are examples of text fragments that can make it difficult for machines to identify themes in a collection of texts:
"Garden plants need a lot of water."
"You have to boil water and cook the vegetables till tender."
"Growing vegetables in your graden can be difficult when there are slugs."
A human reader will immediately recognize that the first and third text focus on gardening while the second text is about cooking. However, just looking at the vocabulary used, there are several overlaps between all three texts. "Vegetables" is used both in text 2 and text 3, while "water" is used both in text 1 and text 3. So how does the machine know which is which?
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Different topic models and use cases
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Tool 1: Topic modelling in Voyant Tools
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Tool 2: DARIAH-DE topis explorer
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