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(Post)colonial challenges of identity

The problem of choosing or defining sides in colonial controversies

Historical border-crossing in the form of white abolitionism: what is "postcolonial" about it, what is inherently colonial? Prominent figures to consider icnlude Thomas Clarkson (* 1760) and Elizabeth Heyrich (1769-1831) to Benjamin Lay (1682-1759). The latter is particularly interested because he was not only white but a member of the Quakers and physically disabled, thus experiencing marginalisations of his own.

When does "postcolonialism" begin historically, is it the same as "anti-colonialism", and who can legitimately present postcolonial concerns?

In more recent history, we also find border crossing of a different kind: people who have a family background in a colonised region but grow up in "the West" and subsequently struggle with their identities.

Fictionalised accounts

Novel by Mahsa Rahmani Noble on Apple:

"From the palaces of pre-revolutionary Iran to Swiss boarding schools and the world's glamor capitals, Princess Soraya Esfandiary Bahktiari lived a life seemingly straight out of a fairy tale. The only daughter of a prominent Iranian family, at sixteen she is selected from among the most beautiful and eligible women of her country to wed the Shah of Iran. Too young to recognize prominent members of Iranian society made the match—and that her job is to help unite a country being driven apart—one truth is inescapable: Soraya loves the Shah deeply. Sadly, her affections are not equally returned, and her life is shattered overnight. The red carpet is pulled from under her feet as her royal status is torn away. Years later, a chance encounter with a distant relative leads Soraya back on a journey through the tender and tumultuous times of her life as another young woman struggles to come to terms with love and betrayal. Together, they share their stories of defeat and victories of love, hoping to make sense of the ever-fragile human heart."

Data set on YouTube

Suggestions for data analysis